Terpsis Chorou


Learn how to express yourself through your soul and your body!

Terpsis Chorou is the place where the human body, sound, movement, music, joy and dance come together.

Driven by these unique elements, in Terpsis Chorou our goal is to instill in our students how vital it is to be able to express themselves through their soul and their body; to teach them to listen to the sounds, to take in the music and to move their body to the rhythm, without any hesitation; to help them feel the music and the dance moves – to simply dance.

At the core of academy's philosophy are the consistency, methods and rules which ensure that our students will learn quickly and efficiently, in a pleasant environment, under the guidance of experienced and acclaimed professionals.

( Professional Education )

Vassilis M. Mathioudakis
Head of Studies
International Dance Council CID
Member of the International Dance Council CID